Drtikol, František
Portrait of Poet Bohdan Kaminský

Pinkava, Ivan
A Kiss
Macků, Michal
Gellage no. 9
Gellage no. 47
Gellage no. 133
Stano, Tono
Let the Body Talk II
Sikora, Rudolf
Out of the City (2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th stop)
Hudeček, Jan
Kytka, Rupert
Torso (A Tree)
Kolářová, Běla
A Grey Gramophone
Drtikol, František
Untitled (A Doll)
Sapara, Vojtěch
Saudek, Jan
(Hands), 1963
(Hands), 1966
(Journey), 1970
Gribovský, Antonín
Artists (Berousek Family),
Fiedler, Hynek
Portrait of Hynek Fiedler´ s children
Valušková, Milena
Garden I
Halas, Miloslav
Color tracks of gravity
Dopitová, Milena
Wall of Wishes
Stratil, Václav
From the cycle titled Monastic Patient
Zykmund, Václav
Self-portrait with a Cage
Přeček, Ivo
Štembera, Petr
Three Elements (Radiator, Glass, Cement, Body)
Funke, Jaromír
A Composition - Glass and a Sphere (Still-life with a Ball)
Rössler, Jaroslav
(A Composition)
Sudek, Josef
An Apple in a Bowl
Sudek, Josef
A Shell
Wiškovský, Eugen
A Shadow (A Coil Spring Insulator)
Fára, Libor - Cmíral, Karel
Svoboda, Jan
A Table
Kordoš, Vladimír
Interventions In Ones Own Face
Štreit, Jindřich
Hák, Miroslav
In the Yard
Sudek, Josef
Spring Landscape
Jirečková, Julie
(A Field)
Bromová, Veronika
Klodová, Lenka
Living with a handicap

Todays opening hours

Archdiocesan Museum Olomouc 10.00-18.00
Museum of Modern Art 10 AM - 6 PM
Archdiocesan Museum Kroměříž 8.30 AM - 6 PM

Sunday | 16. 3. 2025

Today is open

Pokladna otevřená út–ne 10-18 hodin, Rezervace na pokladna@muo.cz
telefon: 585 514 241

8 exhibitions open

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