
Thanks to the number of works of art being administered (cca 185.000) the Olomouc Museum of Art is one of the most important institutions of its kind in the Czech Republic. The museum takes professional care of works belonging to the state and to the church, as well as private works of art, ranging from antiquity to contemporary art culture. The essential collection of the museum consists 91 608 items and is divided, according to the type of art, into eleven sub-collections (architecture, artists books, photography, graphic art, 20th century books, drawings, coins and medals, paintings, sculpture, applied graphics and applied art). The vast collection of the Olomouc Archbishopric in the Kroměříž Chateau includes not only paintings, sculpture, drawings, graphics and crafts, but also the chateau library and the music archives, and it is administered by the Archdiocesan Museum in Kroměříž. The Olomouc Archdiocesan Museum has in its care part of the collection of paintings and handicrafts from the Olomouc archiepiscopal residence as well as important works of art lent by the parishes of the Olomouc Archdiocese.

The selective presentation contains works from all collections administered by the museum and is regularly updated and supplemented. The on-line catalogue of the basic collection of the Olomouc Museum of Art is accessible through the ProMus database.

The characteristics of sub-collections and contacts on their curators HERE.


Search masterpieces
Z (A..Z)
Object Type

(Danhauser, Josef)
Ladies’ writing desk
A Bohemian or Moravian Sculptor
The Pietà from the collection of Canon Křivák
A folding triptych
A Moravian Sculptor
The Madonna from Stařechovice
Aachen, Hans von
Two Laughing Men (Self-portrait)
Abakanowicz, Magdalena
12 Seated Figures
Aelst, Pieter Coecke van
Last Supper
al-Qurán (the Koran)
al-Qurán (the Koran)
Aldegrever, Heinrich
Allori, Alessandro
Christ under the Cross
Ambroggio, Foppa
Laying the cornerstone of St. Peters Basilica in Rome
Liege chest with coat of arms of Bishop Maximilian Hamilton
Russian billiards
Fragment of a head with vegetable ornaments
Voyage pittoresque de la France
The Virgin and Child with St. Anne
Man’s Head
Coin cabinet
Mamluk carpet
Aspertini, Amico
A Fragment of Womans Figure
Bak, Imre
Bartoněk, Vojtěch
Patrol’s Catch (Morning in the Street)
Bassano, Francesco
Christ on the Mount of Olives
Bayer, Melchior
Bazzi, Giovanni Antonio, detto Il Sodoma
A Sketch of a Child with Clasped Hands
Bednářová, Eva
Old Testament
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Sketch for Variations in F Minor
Bellini, Giovanni detto Giambellino
A Sketch of Two Mens Figures
Bellunensis, Andreae Alpagi
Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz
Sonata Violino Solo
Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz
Bílek, František
Bisschop de, Jan based on Bartholomeus Breenbergh
Joseph Selling Corn
Blaev, Guilielmi Janszoo
Boudník, Vladimír
Traces of materials
Breu sr., Jörg
Christ Carrying the Cross
Bromová, Veronika
Brömse, August
Brožík, Václav
Death of St Iria
Brueghel sr., Jan
A Peasant Brawl
Calame, Alexandre
Mountain Landscape with a Valley
Caliari, Paolo detto Paolo Veronese
Eleven Apostles
Callot, Jacques
Feast in Impruneta
Čapek, Josef
Apollinaire, Guillame. Zone.
Čapek, Josef
Carraci, Annibale
Latona and Peasants
Cavallino, Bernardo
The Breastfeeding Madonna
Central European (Prague?) sculptor
Christ on the Mount of Olives
Černý, David
Adam, from the cycle Kites 1993
Eve, from the cycle Kites 1993
Chasuble with embroidered Coronation of the Virgin Mary
Chasuble with relief embroidery of the Crucifixion
Chatrný, Dalibor
White Points I
Chatrný, Dalibor
A Burnt Book
Chatrný, Dalibor
Variable Calligraphy
Chittussi, Antonín
On Troja Island
Landscape in Fontainebleau
Christ the Saviour
Christlbauer, Joseph
A medal for the meeting of three Emperors in Kroměříži
Chwala, Adolf
Boats on a Lake
Cigler, Jakub
Competition Design for an annex to the Old Town Hall in Prague
Cleve, Joos van – workshop circle
The Virgin and Child
Coach of bishop Ferdinand Julius Troyer of Troyerstein
Coral Chalice
Coronelli, Vincenzo Mario
Celestial globe
Cort, Cornelius based on Girolamo Muziano
Capture of Christ
Cranach sr., Lucas
The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
Cranach sr., Lucas
The Martyrdom of St. Catherine
Cranach sr., Lucas
St. Catherine and St. Barbara
Crespi, Giovanni Battista, zv. Il Cerano
Man and a Fish (An Allegory of River)
Čtvrtník, Jan
KOXY armchair
Cvach, Miloš
Copperplate No. 7
Czech, Emil
Morning Toilet
Daumier, Honoré
A Drunk
David, Jiří
Davringhausen, Heinrich Maria
Delaunay, Sonia
Vriesen, Gustav. Sonia Delaunay.
Demartini, Hugo
Spatial Object II
Demartini, Hugo
Spatial object II.
Diaz De La Peña, Virgilio Narcisso
Forest Landscape - FORGERY
Autumn Landscape with a Pool - FORGERY
Dish with Engraved Figures of Warriors
Diviš, Alén
Untitled (Composition)
New York City
Dopitová, Milena
Wall of Wishes
Drtikol, František
Portrait of Poet Bohdan Kaminský

Drtikol, František
Untitled (A Doll)
Duchek of Mníšek
Ducheks Bible
Dürer, Albrecht - follower
Virgin and Child with the Animals
Dyck, Anthonis van
King Charles I of England and His Wife Henrietta Mary
Dyck, Anthonis van
A Portrait of a Man with Gloves
Earrings with an eyelet
Eismann, Johann Anton
A River Landscape
Engelmüller, Ferdinand
Early Evening (White Mountain)
Ertinger, Franz (Francois) according to Raymond de Lafage
Fára, Libor
Why Do You Keep Coming Back?
Fára, Libor - Cmíral, Karel
Fiedler, Hynek
Portrait of Hynek Fiedler´ s children
Filla, Emil
A Woman with a Fan
Filsak, Karel
Praha-Ruzyně International Airport
Fleissig, Vítězslav
Ex libris JUDr. L. Hauf Brno
Foltýn, František
Atonality and Its Permeation
Fragment of a Relief of the Adoration of the Magi
Francken, Frans II
The Triumph of Amphitrite and Poseidon
Frank, Hans
Ex libris Erny Carmen
Franta, Roman
Fritsch, Gottfried
Fuchs, Bohuslav
A sketch for a Sokol building for Bystřice pod Hostýnem
Fugger, Sigismund Friedrich
Medal (tolar to the show)
Führich, Josef
Funke, Jaromír
A Composition - Glass and a Sphere (Still-life with a Ball)
Gallus, Jacobus Handl
Opus Musicum
Gatti, Luigi
Cantata a Due Voci
Gauli, Giovanni Battista detto Baciccio
Crowning with Thorn
Gerstmayr, Hans
A plaque commemorating the opening of the Studio for Steel Engraving
Ghisi, Giorgio, detto Mantovano based on Raffael Santi and Luca Penni
Allegory of Life (Raphael’s Dream)
Giordano, Luca
The Three Maries at Christs Tomb
Giuliani, Giovanni
Jupiter and Amor
Amor and Psyche
Gödlová-Brandhuber, Lilli
Even-fall Atmosphere
Goltzius, Hedndrick
Devil’s Due
Goltzius, Hendrik based on Pieter Coeck d´Alost
Last Supper
Granello, Nicola
Goddess Juno and a Peacock
Gribovský, Antonín
Artists (Berousek Family),
Gundelach, Matthäus
Adam and Eve
Günther, Franz Ignaz – Forstner, Jan Šimon
Gutfreund, Otto
Head (Face)
Gutfreund, Otto
Hák, Miroslav
In the Yard
Halas, Miloslav
Color tracks of gravity
Hamerani, Ottone
A medal of Pope Benedict XIV on the occasion of the canonization of four saints
Hanak, Anton
Child above the Everyday
Havlík, Vladimír
Black Three-dimensional Drawing
Havránek, Bedřich
Cottage under a Hill
Hecke, Jan van den
Rosary Madonna in a Garland
Héroux, Bruno
Ex-libris Dr. Georg Troje
Hoffmann, Hans
Hoffmann, Josef
Sitzmaschine adjustable armchair
Hoffmeister, Adolf
Columbuss Ship
Hogarth, William
Marriage à la Mode
Holy Bible, known Burgundian
Hölzel, Adolf
In the Convent Garden (Singing Children with a Nun)
Hoogstraten, Samuel van
Still Life with a Letter
Hoop with engraved curbed houses
Hošek, Arne
Realization of the From My Life Quartet by B. Smetana, 1st Movement
Hudeček, Antonín
Female Nude by the Sea
Hudeček, Antonín
Forest Interior
Hudeček, František
A Night Walker
Hudeček, František
Hudeček, František
Into the Space
Hudeček, Jan
Hummel, Johann Erdmann
XXXIX Unrisse zu der Hölle des Dante nach Flaxman von Hummel
Hynais, Vojtěch
Portrait of a Girl
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph von
Jan, Rudolf
Aufgabe von L. Beethoven
Janák, Pavel
Kitchen chair
Jankovič, Jozef
Janoušek, František
A Variation on the Evening May
Jansen, Joseph
Landscape with Shepherd, Old Trees and Hollow Way
Javůrek, Karel
Portrait of Pope Leo XIII
Jiránek, Miloš
Sand Miners
Jirečková, Julie
(A Field)
Jurkovič, Dušan
Design for the reconstruction of a bath house in Luhačovice
View from Jan Square
Kafka, Bohumil
A Doe with Fawns
Kalvoda, Alois
At the Pond
Kalvoda, Alois
On Marne
Kaplický, Jan
The Kent House
Karl von Liechtenstein-Kastelkorn, Bishop of Olomouc
A medal of the weight 20 ducat
Kassák, Lajos
Kauffmannová, Angelika
The Mourning Calypso
Klein, Yves
Table bleue (Blue Table)
Klodová, Lenka
Living with a handicap
Knap, Jan
Knížák, Milan
A Book of Documents
Knížák, Milan
Knížák, Milan
Softhard chair
Knüpfer, Beneš
The Sea
Kobliha, František
Karel Bém. Black and Gold
Kohl, Ludvík
In Prison (Socrates in Prison ?)
Historic Architecture with Staffage
Kolář, Jiří
Kolářová, Běla
A Grey Gramophone
Kolářová, Běla
Untitled, from the Dishes cycle
Kolb, Alois
Bücherei Dr. Eduard Wahl
Kolbe, Guillaume based on Salomon Gessner
Kolíbal, Stanislav
Fall I
Konůpek, Jan
Ex libris Jan Konůpek
Köpf, Josef
Old Woman’s Memories
Kordoš, Vladimír
Interventions In Ones Own Face
Kordoš, Vladimír
Tribute to Caesar
Kotěra, Jan
Kotík, Jan
The King’s Head
Kotík, Jan
Spatial Painting
Kovařík, Slavoj
Announcement of the Icarus flight
Králíček, Václav
Design for the reconstruction of Žižkov
Kratina, Radoslav
Dural tubes with red and blue (variable object)
Kraupe-Świderska, Janina
The Heavenly Letter
Krejcar, Jaromír
Olympic Department Store in Prague
Kubíček, Jan
Composition with an Arrow, Letters, and a Number
Kubíček, Jan
Addition – Progression (triptych)
Kubišta, Bohumil
Portrait of Jan Zrzavý
Kunc, Milan
Cupid and Psyche
Kupka, František
Four Stories in Black and White
Kupka, František
A Composition with Circles (Sketch for the painting titled Sladkost žití / The Sweetness of Living)
Küssel, Melchior after Johann Wilhelm Baur
The Rising of the Cross
Kytka, Rupert
Torso (A Tree)
Lacina, Bohdan
Women in Veils 6.
Lada, Josef
Childrens summer games
Winter pleasures
Carnival in the forest
Lange, Otto
Laubert, Otis
Commentary on Commercial Textiles (from the Tapestries cycle)
Lauer, Josef
Still Life with Camellias and a Hyacinth
Still Life with Iris, Tulip and Nasturtium

LeWitt, Sol
Lhoták, Kamil
Two Flying Balloons
Liebscher, Adolf
Montenegrin idyll
Liehm, Antonín
Liška, Jan Kryštof
The Vision of St. Bernard
Liss, Johann
The Inspiration of Saint Jerome
Lissitzkij, El
Majakovskij, Vladimir. Dlja golosa.
Lolek, Stanislav
Alley in Luhačovice
Lublinský, Martin Antonín
The Mystical Marriage of St Catherine of Alexandria
Luciani, Sebastiano detto Sebastiano del Piombo
Sitting Prophet and an Angel
Luciani, Sebastiano detto Sebastiano del Piombo
Madonna with Veil
Macková, Anna
Rooster 1915
Macků, Michal
Gellage no. 9
Gellage no. 47
Gellage no. 133
Makart, Hans
Allegory of Sight
Allegory of Hearing
Makart, Hans
The Entry of Charles V into Antwerp
Makovský, Vincenc
Girl’s Dream
Malich, Karel
Yellow relief
Silver corridor
Project no. 2
Light air - (Cosmic Egg)
Inner Light II
Mánes, Josef
Family Portrait
Mařák, Julius Eduard
Birch Wood
Mařatka, Josef
Abandoned Ariadne
Marinari, Onorio
St. Cecily
Marold, Luděk
Funeral at the Seine Riverbank
Massijs, Quinten
A Portrait of King Christian II of Denmark
Max, Gabriel Cornelius
Madonna and Child
Mazzanti, Ludovico
Medek, Mikuláš
Eating Chicken
Medek, Mikuláš
Red saint (Saint Soldier III.)
Meliš, Juraj
Michna z Otradovic, Adam Václav
Sacra et Litaniae à 5. 6. 7. & 8. Vocum cum Instrumentis
Mikulski, Kazimierz
Mirou, Anton
A Landscape with a Stag Hunt
Missale Olomucense
Montagna, Petrus de
Fasciculus medicinae
Mostaert, Gillis
Attack on the Holy Family Resting during their Flight into Egypt
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Sonata for two pianos
Mucha, Alfons
Design for a Poster for XX Salon des Cents
Muffat, Georg
Muhr, Julius
Preparatory Meeting for the Beatification of Jan Sarkander
Muller, Jan Hamerszoon based on Hendrick Goltzius
The Spirit of God Moved Upon the Face of Deep
Müller, Philipp Heinrich
A medal the weight of a five-tolar
Myslbek, Josef Václav
St. Wenceslas on Horseback
Noter, David De
Still Life with Vegetables and Lobster
Novák, Jiří
Nusberg, Lev
Nypoort van den, Justus
Ansichten des Kremsirer Ziergarten
The Portrait of Karl von Liechtenstein - Kastelkorn
Obrovský, Jakub
Convalescent (Sleeping Woman with Flowers)
Obrtel, Vít
Design for a Villa
Ockham, William
Tractatus logicae
Oehler, Oskar – Oehlerová, Elly
The Hall in the Villa of František Wawerka in Lipník nad Bečvou
Orlik, Emil
(Asian Blind Man With a Child)
Ovčáček, Eduard
Communication 3E (Black)
Passarotti, Bartolomeo
A Sketch of the Head of a Man in a Hat and a Sketch of a Hand

Patinir, Joachim, successor
A Landscape with a Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Paudiss, Christopher
A Sleeping Hunter and His Dogs
Paulíková, Slávka
Pečinka, František
Pelcl, Jiří
Private Universe armchair
Perneczky , Géza
The Story of the colourful ribbons. 25 Volume. ARTE VIDA.
Pešina, Tomáš Jan of Čechorod
Prodromus Moravographiae
Pfeffel, Johann Andreas based on Giuseppe Galli Bibiena
Pilate Surrendering Christ
Piesen, Robert
Space Of Non-Existence
Pinczehelyi, Sándor
Sardi (1) – Sickle (1)
Pinczehelyi, Sándor
And again (diptych)
Pinkava, Ivan
A Kiss
Pippi, Giulio, detto Giulio Romano
Jupiter and Juno
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
L´arco gotico
Pirner, Maximilian
Funeral fairies
Pirner, Maxmilián
The Procession of Life (The Temptation of St Anthony)
Pittermann-Longen, Emil Artur
A Collegial Life
Podhajská, Minka
Ex libris Quido Maria Vyskočil
Ponte, Jacopo dal detto Jacopo Bassano
Construction of Noahs Ark
Prádler, Jiří
A medal with a portrait of sisters Jana, Rena and Eva
Přeček, Ivo
Preisler, Jan
Preisler, Jan
Girl´s Dream, composition for a painting for the National House in Prostějov
Preissig, Vojtěch
Seven Ravens
Preissig, Vojtěch
B (for P. Bezruč)
Preissig, Vojtěch
Preissig, Vojtěch. Once Upon a Time There Was a House.
Priorato, Galeazzo Gualdo
Historia di Leopoldo Cesare I–III
Procházka, Antonín
A Man and a Woman
Prucha, Jindřich
A Cross in the Field
Putinati, Francesco
A medal produced for the canonization of John of Nepomuk
Radimský, Václav
At the Pond
Radnitzky, Carl
A medal commemorating the death of Betty Jeitteles
Rainer Pretzells Collection
Reliquary of Friends of St. Moritz
Reliquary of St. Eustace
Ridinger, Johann Elias
Dogs Chasing Down a Deer
Rittstein, Michael
Mushroom Harvest
Ronovský, František
Rosa, Salvator
The Rescue of the Infant Oedipus
Rössler, Jaroslav
(A Composition)
Roth, Karl-Dietrich
Die die die die verdammte gesamte Kacke
Rotmayer, Otto
Garden chair
Ruscha, Edward
Every building on the Sunset Strip
Sacramentarium Gregorianum
Sadeler, Egidius
Portrait of the Bishop of Olomouc, Franz Cardinal von Dietrichstein
Sadeler, Egidius based on Federico Barocci
Deposition from the Cross
Saendredam, Jan Pieterszoon based on Abraham Bloemart
Elijah and the Widow of Zarapeth
Sapara, Vojtěch
Sattler, Filip
Archangel Michael
Saudek, Jan
(Hands), 1963
(Hands), 1966
(Journey), 1970
Schams, Franz
Last Will
Scheffer, Johann von Leonhardshof
St Cecilia Playing the Organ
Schertz, Karl Ferdinand
Magia posthuma per iuridicum illud pro et contra suspenso nonnullibi iudicio investigata
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich
Sammlung Architektonischer Entwürfe von Schinkel
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich
Sonatae unarum fidium seu a Violino Solo
Schönfeld, Johann Heinrich
Nereides Carrying the body of Leandros
Schönfeld, Johann Heinrich
An Offering to Diana
Schongauer, Martin – successor
A Sketch of a Man with a Beard and a Period Cap
Schwerdtner, Karl Maria
A medal for the Exhibition of Most Recent Inventions
Sekal, Zbyněk
Dead Head
Šerých, Jaroslav
Study for a Whipped Horse
Sidorowicz, Zygmunt
Landscape in Autumn
Sikora, Rudolf
Out of the City (2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th stop)
Šimotová, Adriena
From the cycle A Touch of Colour – The Assumption
Šindelář, Lumír
A plague commemorating painter Hanuš Schweiger
Sirani, Elisabetta
Ecce Homo
Sitte, Camillo
Plan of the Royal Capital City of Olomouc
Skála, František
Tones of Clinical Death
Sklenář, Zdeněk
Still Life with a Glove
Škréta, Karel
The Conversion of St Paul
Škréta, Karel
Saint Wenceslas Has Pagan Idols Felled and Christian Churches Built
Šlapeta, Lubomír
The Villa of Stanislav Nakládal
Slavíček, Antonín
Slavíček, Antonín
In the Garden (From Okoř)
Šmalec, Petr
The Smallest What
Sobotka, Ivan
Corpses of People
Šolc, Jaromír
A Couple I
Špála, Václav
Landscape near Červená nad Vltavou
Španiel, Otakar
A medal commemorating the founding of Comenius University in Bratislava
Špillar, Jaroslav
Captured Wood Nymphs (Water Nymphs)
Stano, Tono
Let the Body Talk II
Stefan, Bedřich
Sitting Negro
Štembera, Petr
Three Elements (Radiator, Glass, Cement, Body)
Stoss, Veit – Circle
Stratil, Václav
From the cycle titled Monastic Patient
Stratil, Václav
Theodorik – Ornamenta (I), Imaginary Architecture – Styf
Štreit, Jindřich
Stüdemann, Günther
Seligkeiten (Beatitudes)
Štursa, Jan
Before Bath
Štursa, Jan
Sulamit Rahu
Štyrský, Jindřich, Toyen
Karel Schulz. A Lady by a Fountain
Sudek, Josef
An Apple in a Bowl
Sudek, Josef
A Shell
Sudek, Josef
Spring Landscape
Surůvka, Jiří
Gilbert & George
Švabinský, Max
Ex libris for Eliška Vejrychova
Švec, Otakar
Sunbeam (Motorcyclist)
Svoboda, Jan
A Table
Svobodová, Jitka
Beams (Supported)
Sýkora, Zdeněk
Black-and-white structure
Sýkora, Zdeněk
Black Lines
Sýkora, Zdeněk
Lines no. 56 (Humberto)
Tamm, Franz Werner
Still Life with Dead Birds
Teige, Karel
Vítězslav Nezval. The Alphabet
Teniers, David jr.
Theatrum Pictorium
Testa, Pietro
The Triumph of Painting at the Parnassos
The Madonna from the Church of the Virgin Mary of the Snow
The master of the Augustinian Altar from 1487
Virgin and Child with Saint Anne
The Master of the Toruń Madonna - a descendant
The Madonna from Šternberk
The Master of Virgin Marys Altarin Kroměříž
Nativity of Virgin Mary
Thonet, August / The Thonet brothers
Rocking settee no. 7500
Tichý, František
Wedding Announcement of V. Vydra and Dana Medřická
Tongue-shaped strap end
Tóth, Dezider (Monogramista T.D.)
A Book About Prenatal State
Tóth, Dezider (Monogramista T.D.)
14 Stations
Tóth, Dezider / MonogramistaT.D
Visual aids, TAB. I
The Flora of the Sleep
Trabura, Roman
Tříska, Jan
A medal in memory of poet Jiří Wolker
Troger, Paul
St. Peter fighting Simon Magus
Unterberger, Michelangelo
The Crucifixion
The Deposition
Uprka, Joža
Pilgrimage at St. Anthony
Váchal, Josef
Ex Libris for Máša Váchalová
Váchal, Josef
Ex libris A. Macková
Váchal, Josef
Deml, Jakub. The Castle of Death.
Váchal, Josef
Morning Sun
Valckenborch, Frederick van
A Fantastic Landscape with Windmills and the Painter
Valušková, Milena
Garden I
Vanni, Francesco
Madonna and Child with St. Cecilia and St. Agnes of Rome (Sacra conversazione)
Vasa, Karel Ferdinand
Three-ducat - klippe coin
Vecellio, Tiziano detto Tizian
Apollo and Marsyas
Veith, Eduard
The Truth and the Lie
Vejvanovský, Pavel Josef
Sonata à 4 Be mollis
Veselý, Aleš
Veselý, Aleš
Veselý, Aleš
Spider Tower
Vico, Enea based on Giovanni Battista di Jacopo
Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs
Vogelhundt, Andreas
Monstrance of the Golden Sun of Moravia
von Dalberg, Wolfgang
von Dietrichstein, Franz
Half tolar
von Ingelheim, Anselm Franz
Decorative 2-tolar
von Keutschach, Leonhard
Four–ducat – klippe coin
von Sachsen, Clemens Wenzeslaus
von Schönenberg, Johann
Tolar klippe coin
von Thun-Hohenstein, Johann Ernst, Archbishop of Salzburg
A medal of the weight of 10 ducat
Warhol , Andy
Werner, Peter Paul
A medal from the Episcopal Chapter in Bamberg
Wessel, Wilhelm
Ohne Titel (Untitled)
Wichterlová, Hana
A Bud
Winiarski, Ryszard
Obszar 132 / Area 132
Winterhalder, Joseph sr.
Wiškovský, Eugen
A Shadow (A Coil Spring Insulator)
Wojnar, Jan
A Book of Geometric Figure
Wojnar, Jan
Space Grid Poem
Wolgemuth, Michael
Pope Pius II (Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini) and the Emperor Friedrich III
Wouters, Frans
Diana and Callisto
Zahner, Andreas
Želibská, Jana
Zellenberg, Franz Zeller von
Landscape with a Coach
Landscape with Staffage
Zemánková, Anna
Zuccari, Taddeo (Zuccaro)
Luke the Evangelist
Zykmund, Václav
Self-portrait with a Cage

Todays opening hours

Archdiocesan Museum Olomouc 10.00-18.00
Museum of Modern Art 10 AM - 6 PM
Archdiocesan Museum Kroměříž 8.30 AM - 6 PM

Sunday | 16. 3. 2025

Today is open

Pokladna otevřená út–ne 10-18 hodin, Rezervace na
telefon: 585 514 241

8 exhibitions open

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