Kratina, Radoslav
Dural tubes with red and blue (variable object)
Makovský, Vincenc
Girl’s Dream
Kolíbal, Stanislav
Fall I
Stefan, Bedřich
Sitting Negro
Man’s Head
Fritsch, Gottfried
Bílek, František
The Virgin and Child with St. Anne
Novák, Jiří
Fára, Libor
Why Do You Keep Coming Back?
Kolářová, Běla
Untitled, from the Dishes cycle
Švec, Otakar
Sunbeam (Motorcyclist)
Černý, David
Adam, from the cycle Kites 1993
Eve, from the cycle Kites 1993
Malich, Karel
Yellow relief
Silver corridor
Project no. 2
Light air - (Cosmic Egg)
Inner Light II
Sekal, Zbyněk
Dead Head
Štursa, Jan
Sulamit Rahu
Kordoš, Vladimír
Tribute to Caesar
Demartini, Hugo
Spatial object II.
Knížák, Milan
Veselý, Aleš
Spider Tower
Abakanowicz, Magdalena
12 Seated Figures
Demartini, Hugo
Spatial Object II
Stoss, Veit – Circle
A Moravian Sculptor
The Madonna from Stařechovice
Zahner, Andreas
The Madonna from the Church of the Virgin Mary of the Snow
A Bohemian or Moravian Sculptor
The Pietà from the collection of Canon Křivák
Christ the Saviour
Central European (Prague?) sculptor
Christ on the Mount of Olives
Fragment of a Relief of the Adoration of the Magi
Winterhalder, Joseph sr.
Giuliani, Giovanni
Jupiter and Amor
Amor and Psyche
Hanak, Anton
Child above the Everyday
Skála, František
Tones of Clinical Death
Gutfreund, Otto
Wichterlová, Hana
A Bud
Štursa, Jan
Before Bath
Mařatka, Josef
Abandoned Ariadne
Kafka, Bohumil
A Doe with Fawns
Myslbek, Josef Václav
St. Wenceslas on Horseback
Sattler, Filip
Archangel Michael
The Master of the Toruń Madonna - a descendant
The Madonna from Šternberk

Todays opening hours

Archdiocesan Museum Olomouc 10.00-18.00
Museum of Modern Art 10 AM - 6 PM
Archdiocesan Museum Kroměříž 8.30 AM - 6 PM

Sunday | 16. 3. 2025

Today is open

Pokladna otevřená út–ne 10-18 hodin, Rezervace na
telefon: 585 514 241

8 exhibitions open

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