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You are here. St. Wenceslas mound over the course of the centuries

You are here. St. Wenceslas mound over the course of the centuries

Pope John Paul II, the architect Gustav Merret, the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the Czech King Wenceslas III, the painter Hildebert, Bishop Jindřich Zdík and the Moravian duke Svatopluk - these are just some of the characters you will meet in the new comic book of the Olomouc Museum of Art - Here You Are | Svatováclavské návrší in the Changes of the Centuries. As the title suggests, it will accompany the new permanent exhibition of the Archdiocesan Museum focusing on the culture and history of Olomouc and especially the area where the cathedral is located. The aim of the comic by Martin Šinkovský, Miroslav Kindl and TichO 762 and the exhibition is to attract a new, young generation of visitors to the museum.

Conception and historical context: Miroslav Kindl
Story: Martin Šinkovský
Drawings and cover: Petr Novák aka Ticho762
Print round: 600 pcs
1st publ.
Published by Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc 2023

váha produktu: 230 g
délka produktu (x): 210 mm
výška katalogu (hřbet) y: 250 mm
počet stran: 52 nečíslovaných s.
vazba: brožovaná
jazyk dokumentu: eng
ISBN: 978-80-88621-01-0
Cena: 200,- Kč
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Dnešní otevírací doba

Arcidiecézní muzeum Olomouc 10.00-18.00
Muzeum moderního umění 10.00-18.00
Arcidiecézní muzeum Kroměříž 8.30-18.00

Středa | 15. 5. 2024

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Pokladna otevřená út–ne 10-18 hodin, Rezervace na pokladna@muo.cz
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