
Thanks to the number of works of art being administered (cca 185.000) the Olomouc Museum of Art is one of the most important institutions of its kind in the Czech Republic. The museum takes professional care of works belonging to the state and to the church, as well as private works of art, ranging from antiquity to contemporary art culture. The essential collection of the museum consists 91 608 items and is divided, according to the type of art, into eleven sub-collections (architecture, artists books, photography, graphic art, 20th century books, drawings, coins and medals, paintings, sculpture, applied graphics and applied art). The vast collection of the Olomouc Archbishopric in the Kroměříž Chateau includes not only paintings, sculpture, drawings, graphics and crafts, but also the chateau library and the music archives, and it is administered by the Archdiocesan Museum in Kroměříž. The Olomouc Archdiocesan Museum has in its care part of the collection of paintings and handicrafts from the Olomouc archiepiscopal residence as well as important works of art lent by the parishes of the Olomouc Archdiocese.

The selective presentation contains works from all collections administered by the museum and is regularly updated and supplemented. The on-line catalogue of the basic collection of the Olomouc Museum of Art is accessible through the ProMus database.

The characteristics of sub-collections and contacts on their curators HERE.


Search masterpieces
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Object Type

Sacramentarium Gregorianum
Sadeler, Egidius
Portrait of the Bishop of Olomouc, Franz Cardinal von Dietrichstein
Sadeler, Egidius based on Federico Barocci
Deposition from the Cross
Saendredam, Jan Pieterszoon based on Abraham Bloemart
Elijah and the Widow of Zarapeth
Sapara, Vojtěch
Sattler, Filip
Archangel Michael
Saudek, Jan
(Hands), 1963
(Hands), 1966
(Journey), 1970
Schams, Franz
Last Will
Scheffer, Johann von Leonhardshof
St Cecilia Playing the Organ
Schertz, Karl Ferdinand
Magia posthuma per iuridicum illud pro et contra suspenso nonnullibi iudicio investigata
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich
Sammlung Architektonischer Entwürfe von Schinkel
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich
Sonatae unarum fidium seu a Violino Solo
Schönfeld, Johann Heinrich
Nereides Carrying the body of Leandros
Schönfeld, Johann Heinrich
An Offering to Diana
Schongauer, Martin – successor
A Sketch of a Man with a Beard and a Period Cap
Schwerdtner, Karl Maria
A medal for the Exhibition of Most Recent Inventions
Sekal, Zbyněk
Dead Head
Šerých, Jaroslav
Study for a Whipped Horse
Sidorowicz, Zygmunt
Landscape in Autumn
Sikora, Rudolf
Out of the City (2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th stop)
Šimotová, Adriena
From the cycle A Touch of Colour – The Assumption
Šindelář, Lumír
A plague commemorating painter Hanuš Schweiger
Sirani, Elisabetta
Ecce Homo
Sitte, Camillo
Plan of the Royal Capital City of Olomouc
Skála, František
Tones of Clinical Death
Sklenář, Zdeněk
Still Life with a Glove
Škréta, Karel
The Conversion of St Paul
Škréta, Karel
Saint Wenceslas Has Pagan Idols Felled and Christian Churches Built
Šlapeta, Lubomír
The Villa of Stanislav Nakládal
Slavíček, Antonín
Slavíček, Antonín
In the Garden (From Okoř)
Šmalec, Petr
The Smallest What
Sobotka, Ivan
Corpses of People
Šolc, Jaromír
A Couple I
Špála, Václav
Landscape near Červená nad Vltavou
Španiel, Otakar
A medal commemorating the founding of Comenius University in Bratislava
Špillar, Jaroslav
Captured Wood Nymphs (Water Nymphs)
Stano, Tono
Let the Body Talk II
Stefan, Bedřich
Sitting Negro
Štembera, Petr
Three Elements (Radiator, Glass, Cement, Body)
Stoss, Veit – Circle
Stratil, Václav
From the cycle titled Monastic Patient
Stratil, Václav
Theodorik – Ornamenta (I), Imaginary Architecture – Styf
Štreit, Jindřich
Stüdemann, Günther
Seligkeiten (Beatitudes)
Štursa, Jan
Before Bath
Štursa, Jan
Sulamit Rahu
Štyrský, Jindřich, Toyen
Karel Schulz. A Lady by a Fountain
Sudek, Josef
An Apple in a Bowl
Sudek, Josef
A Shell
Sudek, Josef
Spring Landscape
Surůvka, Jiří
Gilbert & George
Švabinský, Max
Ex libris for Eliška Vejrychova
Švec, Otakar
Sunbeam (Motorcyclist)
Svoboda, Jan
A Table
Svobodová, Jitka
Beams (Supported)
Sýkora, Zdeněk
Black-and-white structure
Sýkora, Zdeněk
Black Lines
Sýkora, Zdeněk
Lines no. 56 (Humberto)

Todays opening hours

Archdiocesan Museum Olomouc 10.00-18.00
Museum of Modern Art 10 AM - 6 PM
Archdiocesan Museum Kroměříž 8.30 AM - 6 PM

Sunday | 16. 3. 2025

Today is open

Pokladna otevřená út–ne 10-18 hodin, Rezervace na
telefon: 585 514 241

8 exhibitions open

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